24 Truths About Life I’ve Learned in My 24 Years

I turned 24 yesterday and decided to make this list.

It’s me, Ana
3 min readFeb 20, 2022
A person dancing on a cliff in the sunset
  1. Trust your intuition. The older you get, the more experiences you acquire, so if your gut is telling you something, don’t neglect it.
  2. Be self-reliable, but never be afraid to ask for help.
  3. The old saying is true: value the quality of your friendships, not quantity.
  4. Don’t underestimate the power of connections. Sometimes people can surprise you with new open doors that happened just through spreading the word.
  5. You will lose friends along the way, and it’s okay. Not everyone is meant to be in your life permanently, some people come here to play an important role at a specific time and then leave.
  6. Learn self-love not from books or movies, but through your own understanding of your needs, goals, and values.
  7. Don’t put off your dreams: time flies fast, so the earlier you start working on something you want, the higher chances are you’ll get there soon.
  8. Be patient with yourself. Give yourself the time needed to learn, develop, or heal.
  9. Your feelings are gonna be hurt sometimes, but the same is true for other people.
  10. How people are treating you is the best indicator of their pains and issues. We are always acting from our own standpoint in life and our level of self-worth.
  11. Sometimes things don’t happen in a linear way. Society can be wrong. Long-learned truths about life can also be wrong. Always try to make your own mind about stuff.
  12. Don’t fixate on mistakes for too long. Instead, analyze the situation, figure out what could’ve been done differently, write down the lesson, and apply the knowledge in a similar situation in the future.
  13. Nothing liberates you so much as forgiving yourself.
  14. Try to be kind to people — we are all just human beings, with our pains and emotional baggage.
  15. At the same time, be vigilant and learn to show your teeth when necessary. Sometimes people are more than ready to go to extreme lengths to get what they want, so showing them where you stand is important if you don’t want to be collateral damage in their story.
  16. Setting your boundaries is scary, but never embarrassing.
  17. It’s always better to enter a romantic relationship from the solid mental ground. This means: there are higher chances you’ll have a successful relationship if you enter it from an emotionally stable place, and not from the moment when you’re at your lowest.
  18. There’s a difference between wanting a romantic partner and needing one. The latter may lead you into codependency and unrealistic and unhealthy expectations of your relationship.
  19. Life isn’t fair. Shit happens to good people who don’t deserve it. But beautiful things happen too.
  20. In a world full of temporary trends, always be authentic and do you. Trends don’t last, but your identity will.
  21. When you’re growing and making progress, some people will find themselves resentful and jealous. Don’t let those negative vibes cross your path.
  22. Learn to give yourself breaks and time to do nothing. In a world bent on productivity and efficiency, it’s essential to learn your own productivity cycles and adjust to them.
  23. Other people’s reactions and perceptions are not your responsibility, as long as you’re not trying to deliberately hurt those people. Our reactions belong to us — it’s us who choose how to look at things.
  24. Make choices based on your happiness. Don’t try to please other people. Follow your heart, and put your needs and dreams first — it’s not egoistic or selfish, it’s thoughtful and wise. We’re only given one life here, so try to make the most of it.



It’s me, Ana
It’s me, Ana

Written by It’s me, Ana

Anastasia Gergalova | Content Marketer & Photographer sharing life & career advice

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